APA staff will at all times be compliant with both the letter and the spirit of all regulatory requirements applicable to our operations. HOS regulations are designed to reduce the number of fatigued drivers on the road. Fatigued driving has been shown to impair performance as much as the influence of alcohol or drugs. Violations of these regulations may subject the driver and APA, to significant fines, penalties and suspensions as well as increased liability if involved in an incident while in violation. Therefore all commercial drivers and staff with commercial motor vehicle responsibilities will receive training on HOS regulations and will be accountable for strict compliance with them.
To provide training, guidance, oversight, record keeping, and corrective action when deficiencies are identified.
Have primary daily responsibility for ensuring compliance with HOS policy/regulations. Drivers have immediate first-hand knowledge of and direct control over APA clock in/out times, compensated work other than APA, and route times and conditions that could impact HOS compliance. Drivers are responsible for knowing what HOS are available each day and for ensuring they are in full compliance. Drivers must notify the operations manager if they suspect they may not be able to complete their route/assignment prior to a violation occurring.
DOT HOS Regulations Summary
HOS Limitations:
10 Hour Rule- Drivers must not exceed 10.00 driving hours after 8 consecutive hours off duty
15 Hour Rule- Drivers must not drive after exceeding 14.99 clock hours following 8 consecutive hours off duty (includes ALL compensated work)
60 Hour Rule- Drivers must not drive in excess 59.99 clock hours in 7 consecutive days (includes ALL compensated work)
Logging Requirements
Drivers are not required to complete daily logs if they: do not cross state lines, travel less than 100-mile radius, return to their home terminal, do not transport hazardous materials requiring placarding, and do not exceed 12 consecutive hours on duty. Drivers who meet these criteria must still comply with all other HOS regulations including hours restrictions.
12/60 Hour Logging Requirement- Drivers may not exceed 11.99 clock hours/day or 60 hours in 7 days
Drivers must seek approval PRIOR to exceed 12.00 hrs/day or 60 hrs in 7 days (including non- APA compensated work). It is the driver’s responsibity to manage non-APA compensated work in such a way that sufficient hours are available to perform APA duties, including impromptu projects common to the position. If a driver receives PRIOR approval to exceed 12/60 hours an accurate and compliant log MUST be completed at the end of the work assignment to prove driving limits were not violated.
I have received training on DOT HOS regulations and this policy. I’ve had an opportunity to ask questions and understand my responsibilities and restrictions. I agree to fully comply with all DOT HOS regulations and this policy. I will ask questions if I am unsure of how to proceed.
___________________________________ _____________________________ ________________
Employee Name Employee Signature Date
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Supervisor Signature Date